A full-service solution for your construction document needs

Architectural blacklines are cost-effective, durable, recyclable, and always ready when you need them.

Architectural Blacklines

For Architects, Black is the New Blue

The classic blueprint – it’s how we still envision the work of generations of architects. But this technology, invented in the mid-1800s, was smelly, often blurry, and saturated with chemicals like ammonium iron-citrate and potassium ferrocyanide. Our clean, sharp, and recyclable blacklines are so much better in every way.

A blueprint is replaced with a blackline behind a large format plotter

We’ve Got this Down to a Science

A large format plotter produces a blackline


With 3 plotters, we can complete most routine plans orders just a few hours. Walk in service available. For larger scale projects, please contact us for times and availability.

A pair of hands trims a set of architectural drawings


We providing scaled drawings in either standard full size and half size, or in any proportional size a customer may need. Custom reductions or enlargements are available as well.

Looking over a pressworker's shoulder as they access secure files on the computer


From secure online job submissions to detailed logistics, we take your plans seriously. You can count on us to handle your job from beginning to end.

Press manager Josh Shumaker leans over the desk working on a project


We are located downtown Charlottesville with ample parking. We also have multiple options for file submissions via email or online transfer.